WIT, “Women in Theology,” is a shared blog by women trained in the academic disciplines of theology who write from a Christian ecumenical and often feminist perspective. Our group includes scholars and writers who have spiritual and academic ties to Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions, and we are committed to ecumenical collaboration. We hope that our diverse theological perspectives and many ways of naming our commitment to the social, political, economic, domestic, and ecclesiastical equality of women can emerge through this collaboration. On WIT, we will focus our academic training on a wide variety of topics, reflecting our shared commitment to the flourishing of women. We also support the work of Christian women who write fiction, particularly those who explore faith, spirituality, and/or gender in their work.

The history of Christian theology is one in which women have been spoken about (by men) much more than they have been allowed to speak for themselves. WIT exists to add the voices of women to a theological conversation that remains male-dominated. However, we do not claim to speak for all women, to address the situations of all women, or even agree with one another about what constitutes our flourishing or the “essence” of feminism. We do write as women from diverse backgrounds whose experience shapes, and limits, our theological perspectives and concerns. We welcome diversity and disagreement, both with readers and one another.

The original founders of WIT adopted this name in 2010 to maintain a connection with a group of women scholars who served as mentors and inspirations, and who themselves had a group called “WIT” several decades ago in graduate school. We hope to help ensure the presence of women in theological work.

To get started and for more information, read the following links:

21 thoughts

  1. This looks like a great initiative. I look forward to reading more as you grow. You have an impressive authorship. Not only is “women’s theology” underrepresented on the theo-blogsphere, as well are multi-authorship blogs. I myself am a “women in theology” in my tail end of a BA at Canadian Mennonite University with interests in ethics and philosophy. And, as a bit of shameless promotion, if I might, feel free to check out the blog I’m a part of at http://ortusmemoria.wordpress.com.

  2. Thanks so much! Things are working well for us so far…

    We’ll check your blog out ASAP!


    1. The term “kyriarchy” was developed by feminist theologian Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza– “meaning the rule of the emperor/master/lord/father/husband over his subordinates” (that’s from Jesus: Miriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet, page 14). The point is to recognize that sexism intersects with other oppressions like racism, classism, heterosexism. When we say that we are anti-kyriarchal we are saying that we oppose all forms of oppression on this blog.

  3. Thank you for the prompt response. Yes – that makes a great deal of sense to me, especially since I have seen the word used in connection with other blog posts tagged “transgender”, etc.

    Now I am starting to think about this word, “anti-kyriarchal”, and must go explore some more …

    Again, many thanks –


  4. I arrived here via my husband suggesting I read https://womenintheology.org/2010/11/12/womens-experience-part-i-an-introduction-to-the-problem/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews as I start ordination training in England next week, via an MA. I think he was trying to tell me something 😉

    Yours is a blog I feel I ought to look at in more detail, but fear. This is because of the language you use. Is it really necessary to use theological terms the ordinary reader struggles with, even a prospective priest who already has a FdA in theology and is meant to understand some of it! I will try to follow for a few weeks, from this side of the pond and see what I make of your discussions.

    However, it does strike me, that if you really want to open up debates so that as a result of them people might understand their own relationship with God better (which is part of my simplified understanding of what theology is for) it would be very helpful to us of smaller brains, if you could explain terms as you use them in your writing, so that we can understand at contribute to your material more easily.

  5. Hi Bridget, these are my favs (em: jrichjensen@aol.com)


    Celtic Daily Prayer Inspirational prayers & readings from the Northumbria Community

    Eggs and Ashes: Practical Liturgical Resources for Lent and Holy Week Paperback by Ruth Burgess & Chris Polhill

    Entempling: A Resource for Devotions and Quiet Times and Gatherings for Contemplative Prayer Eds. Blake Burleson and Michael Sciretti, Jr.

    Woman Prayers: Prayers by Women from Throughout History and Around the World Ed. Mary Ford-Grabowesky

    She Who Prays: A Woman’s Interfaith Prayer Book
    by Jane Richardson Jensen & Patricia Harris-Watkins

    Awakening the Creative Spirit Bringing the Arts to Spiritual Direction
    by Christine Valters Paintner & Betsey Beckman





  6. Interesting idea for a blog, but I really do wonder how women can pursue such studies when religions are overwhelmingly sexist? Surely this fact alone proves that religion is man-made (pun intended) and related spiritual and philosophical quests are best pursued outside the confines of organised religion?
    And in case you are wondering, I am a feminist and an atheist.

    1. I am an Orthodox Christian and feminist 🙂 I think the Doctrine and Dogma of the Church speak in absolute truths to the equality of the sexes. My religion is predominantly why I am a feminist. The Gospel is clear in its teaching that men and women are equal, that they both can find divinity within them, that they share the same spiritual and mental condition and that both are valued in the eyes of God. The way Jesus emboldened and empowered the roles of women in a culture that viewed them as inferior and subhuman speaks volumes about God’s desire for women as preachers, apostles, ministers, prophets, deaconess and even leaders. The issue is not within the Christian religion – it’s with the patriarchal structures and traditions that developed out of it. Sexism exists outside of the Church, and has been brought into it. As the church progressed, men tried to mitigate the role of women out of arrogance. We should’t do away with organised religion, as traditions are an important way of remaining connected to our history and ancestry. What we need to do is reflect on our traditions, take the very best of them, and move forward with them. This is the true blessing of progress, and it is needed within (and without!) of the church. You’re right in suggesting it is a challenge though!

  7. A few years ago I discovered my truth is, “I am a Christian healer who is following the Good Red Road as well as I can,” which means I blend the Spirit-filled mystical parts of Christianity with the respect for the Earth, Sky and all our Relations found in the Earth-based spiritualities of First Nations/Native American/Aboriginal peoples. I am a Spirit-oriented feminist and have no problem recognizing and rejecting sexism and oppression wherever I see it. I’ve been fortunate (blessed?) to find progressive Anglican or Episcopal Churches, wonderful women, and some great guys, wherever I’ve lived – Texas (yes, really!!), Scotland, Alaska, and here in Canada. I like the community and sense of family, especially since I’ve moved a lot. Despite my MA in Hebrew Studies & PhD in Old Testament, I agree it’s better to use less theological jargon. Why not just say, “against all forms of oppression” instead of anti-kyriarchal?

  8. Here is a comment from a mere male minister: congratulations girls – I think women have amazing, God-given talents to be used in all areas, including theology of course. I do pray that God will bless you and the work you do in the service of the Kingdom. You have unique gifts that men just don’t seem to possess.
    And in case you’re wondering, I’m a feminist supporter and a Christian. My wife won’t let me be a male chauvinist… (only joking – can’t stand male chauvinists).
    Sent with blessings.
    Another Tony

  9. I’m not personally religious, but theology and philosophy are, for lack of better phrasing, hobbies of mine. I’m also a big dork who sometimes sinks her teeth into academic/semi-academic reading just for kicks. Oh yeah, also a feminist, so the topics here dovetail with my interests in a pretty cool way. Looking forward to some thought-provoking posts!

  10. Just found your blog via a wordpress search, and can really appreciate your views. God has had me on an ecumenical type journey, where I recently graduated seminary and found myself out of a denomination that he once led me to and where he has now led me onward to a non-denom/charismatic type church. It’s a wonderful journey, but full of surprises. I just got back into blogging and am looking for readers and places to read and connect with other Christian writers, theologians, and passionate pursuers of God. Blessings, Robin.

  11. As a part-time Kemetic who has thought of becoming a priest, I wonder if you will have anything for the non-Christian women in theology. I will follow for a while to see. Thank you for providing this blog.

  12. As a part-time Kemetic who has thought about becoming a priest, I wonder if you will have anything for the non-Christian women in theology. I will follow for a while to see. Thank you for providing this blog.

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