Regular Contributors

Regular Contributors are core members of WIT who commit to writing a minimum of 3-6 posts throughout the year. Each regular contributor writes solely from her own perspective, moderates her own comments, and has input on decisions affecting WIT. Every couple of years, WIT puts out a call for more regular contributors.

WIT is managed by an executive board of up to five regular contributors, two of whom serve as editors. The executive board manages the e-mail, social media presence, and technical aspects of WIT. The editors are additionally responsible for managing the calls for new regular contributors and editing guest posts for the blog. Executive board members serve renewable three-year terms.

The current executive board members are: Allison (editor), Elissa (editor), and Maria McDowell.

Guest Posts

We also invite specific women to write guest posts on topics related to current events and relevant theological conversations. These posts deeply enrich the content of WIT. Please contact us if you have an interest in writing a guest post.

Anonymous Posts

Occasionally we include posts from women who would like to tell their story and/or make a theological point considered to be controversial. Sometimes these women wish to remain anonymous for any variety of reasons, often so that they do not suffer negative consequences in their professional lives. Because WIT respects the need to contribute to a theological conversation while remaining safe, it allows for the option of anonymous posting.

Contributing to WIT

If you would like to join WIT in any of the above capacities, please contact us. A member of the executive board will get back to you as soon as possible. If you are interested in submitting a post for our consideration as a guest post, please include a brief description of your theological background, interest in WIT, and the topic that you wish to write about. We will then respond to your message so that you can send us the text of your proposed post by e-mail. We welcome solicitations from women authors doing theological work through creative writing and invite you to contact our editors if you are interested in having your poetry, novel, or other fictional work reviewed by our authors.